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572,000 in NH

Concord, N.H. -- Today, Donald Trump's lawsuit to overturn the Affordable Care Act and end protections for people with pre-existing conditions escalates as written arguments are due to the Supreme Court. Both Republicans running against Senator Jeanne Shaheen support Trump's lawsuit, and if they succeed they could kick 89,000 New Hampshire residents off their health insurance, end protections for 572,000 Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions, and get rid of health care for 57,000 on Medicaid Expansion, including treatment for individuals struggling with substance use disorder. "In the middle of the worst ever global health crisis, Trump and his allies are suing to kick tens of thousands of Granite Staters off their health care and end protection for 572,000 with pre-existing conditions," said NHDP spokesman Josh Marcus-Blank. "Colorado Corky Messner and Donald Bolduc have consistently supported Trump's efforts to dismantle protections for Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions, and Messner recently said that it was 'inappropriate' to discuss the lawsuit he supports that would repeal the health care law and these protections. What's inappropriate is Messner and Bolduc's support for Trump's lawsuit during a global pandemic, which shows they will always put Trump ahead of the needs of New Hampshire."


Messner has said it’s inappropriate for “leftists” to even bring up Trump’s lawsuit to repeal the Affordable Care Act at a recent tele-town hall. [Youtube, 3/31/20]. Messner: "There's favorable public opinion of Obamacare and it just doesn't work very well" [Youtube, 10/29/19]. When asked if health care is a human right, Messner said that "the notion that it's a human right, it's a progressive talking point." [Messner, WMUR CloseUp, 3/1/20] DONALD BOLDUC OPPOSES THE ACA.

Bolduc: "The ACA and the Medicare-for-all that the Democrats are so in love with is socialized medicine at its best, and it is going to crush New Hampshire and America." [Daily Wire]

Bolduc wants to privatize our health care system: "And our whole health care system focuses on disease management, not on health management. Sure. And so we need to change that and there's got to be a fundamental change in how we approach and we have to privatize all these things… we have to privatize this stuff if we're gonna make it better.” [Bolduc, Steve Smith Podcast, 3/11/20]


Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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