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NH Republicans Support Trump’s Push to Repeal the Affordable Care Act at the Supreme Court

Holly Shulman

Today, the Supreme Court announced that it will hear oral arguments for the Trump lawsuit that could strike down the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

If the Trump administration is successful in repealing the ACA, 89,000 Granite Staters could lose coverage, insurance companies could refuse or deny coverage to the 572,200 Granite Staters that have a pre-existing condition, and 57,000 Granite Staters enrolled in Medicaid expansion could lose coverage.

“Donald Trump has broken every promise he’s made when it comes to providing Granite Staters with quality, affordable health care, and every Republican running for Senate against Jeanne Shaheen supports him,” said New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley. “Republicans want to gut the ACA, and even worse, they have no backup plan, risking the health insurance for tens of thousands in New Hampshire.”

Trump Promise: “We will come up with health care plans that will be phenomenal — phenomenal that will be less expensive.” [Trump Campaign Rally, Hampton NH, 8/14/15]

Reality: If Republicans succeed in overturning the Affordable Care Act, 89,000 people in New Hampshire would lose their health insurance—more than doubling the number of uninsured Granite Staters.

Trump Promise: “I want to keep preexisting conditions. I think we need it. I think it’s a modern age. And I think we have to have it.” [Republican Presidential Debate, CNN, 2/25/16]

Reality: The Trump administration has sought to “completely invalidate” the Affordable Care Act, threatening protections for as many as 597,000 Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions.

New Hampshire Republicans have all been signing onto Trump’s plan to end affordable health care for Granite Staters.

  • Chris Sununu has been tacitly supporting the lawsuit and has been a vocal proponent of repealing the ACA entirely.

  • Republican U.S. Senate candidates Bill O’Brien, Donald Bolduc and Corky Messner all back Trump and his lawsuit that would kill the ACA.

  • And Republican Congressional candidates Lynne Blankenbeker and Matt Mowers have stood behind Donald Trump and his efforts to repeal the ACA.

“These Republicans’ unwavering support for Trump’s scheme to repeal the ACA speaks volumes about how wrong they are for New Hampshire,” said Buckley. “Democrats like Senator Shaheen, Senator Hassan, Congresswoman Kuster, and Congressman Pappas have not only fought to protect the Affordable Care Act but continue to work to make sure health care is accessible and affordable. Granite Staters know Democrats will fight to protect quality, affordable health care - and that this issue is on the ballot in 2020.”


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