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Chris Sununu's Appalling Political Pardon

Concord, N.H. - New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement on Chris Sununu and the Republican Executive Council granting an inappropriate and politically motivated pardon to a partisan political operative: "Even for Chris Sununu, this is a new low. It is beyond appalling that Chris Sununu took a page out of Donald Trump's playbook and abused his pardon power in order to grant a special favor to a Republican Party operative who was found guilty by a court of law. Sununu's wholly inappropriate behavior is a giant slap in the face to our law enforcement officers and the rule of law. "From using his inaugural committee as a slush fund to enrich himself, his family, and his lobbyist friends to pushing this dirty political pardon in a lame duck council meeting, it's clear that Sununu will stop at nothing to use the Governor's office for his own personal gain."


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