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RELEASE: Reports Show New Hampshire in Bottom Half of States for Vaccine Rollout


Concord, N.H. -- An updated report from the CDC shows that New Hampshire is in the bottom half of states for the amount of COVID vaccines that have been administered, contradicting a claim from Governor Sununu, who said that New Hampshire has “always been kind of towards the top of the pack” for the vaccine rollout. Updated data from the CDC shows that New Hampshire is falling behind neighboring states like Vermont, Maine, Connecticut, and New York which have all moved ahead for the total doses administered per 100,000 people. Vermont has administered 14,476 doses, Maine has administered 13,275, Connecticut has administered 15,214, and New York has administered 12,430. New Hampshire has only administered 12,253 doses. The data also shows that New Hampshire is behind Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, and New York for people who have received one or more doses of the vaccine, per 100,000. The number of people who have received one or more doses in Maine is 9,849, in Massachusetts is 9,143, in Vermont is 10,100, and in New York is 9,087. In New Hampshire, only 8,808 people have received one or more doses. “Governor Sununu is misleading Granite Staters about the reality of New Hampshire’s bungled vaccine administration rollout -- I've been hearing from people all over the state who haven't been able to register or had their appointments canceled. They are frustrated, anxious, and scared,” said Senator Cindy Rosenwald. “Under Governor Sununu, New Hampshire is clearly falling behind our neighboring states that have been able to administer the COVID vaccine much more efficiently. Governor Sununu needs to find a solution immediately to ensure that the vulnerable Granite Staters who are waiting to receive the vaccine can get it as quickly as possible."


Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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