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NHDP STATEMENT: Senator Hassan Files for Re-election

Senator Maggie Hassan today filed for re-election to the United States Senate at the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s office in Concord. In response, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement:

“Granite Staters will re-elect Senator Hassan — and reject whichever C-List Mitch McConnell wannabe that staggers out of their divisive and brutal Republican primary. New Hampshire knows that Senator Hassan has a solid record of fighting for them — and against Big Oil, Big Pharma, and partisan politicians’ efforts to outlaw abortion. While Senator Hassan is working for New Hampshire, her opponents are competing to be the next rubber stamp for Mitch McConnell’s agenda that includes banning abortion, cutting Social Security and Medicare, and keeping drug prices sky high. That's why in November, New Hampshire voters will be excited to keep Senator Hassan on the job."

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