CONCORD, NH — Today, Paul Steinhauser of FOX News reported that disgraced former President Donald Trump is heading to New Hampshire this weekend for one of his first stops on the campaign trail. Trump’s record in New Hampshire is abysmal. Not only did he lose in New Hampshire in both previous presidential races, but all of his endorsed candidates in the Granite State lost by staggering margins in 2022. Now, with a campaign struggling to garner support anywhere, he’s desperate to silence Sununu and jumpstart his campaign — which political voices have already declared dead on arrival.
This follows recent visits from other potential Republican presidential candidates, including Nikki Haley, Larry Hogan, Mike Pompeo, Tim Scott, and Mike Pence. New Hampshire’s Republican governor Chris Sununu has also made his higher office aspirations clear — and has not been shy about using the DNC’s proposed primary calendar changes as ammo against Granite State Democrats. The Republican National Committee has already solidified New Hampshire’s place as the first-in-the-nation primary, which is enshrined into state law.
In response, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement:
“Republicans have locked in their primary calendar, and with New Hampshire set as the first state primary, candidates are already beginning to flock to the Granite State. As they gear up to challenge President Biden next year, the RNC and Republican presidential hopefuls will start flooding our airwaves, engaging with voters, and spending big money to win this crucial battleground state. Donald Trump’s visit is only the beginning.
“The path to the White House runs straight through New Hampshire, and Republicans know it. The DNC’s plan to penalize New Hampshire and withhold resources from our state jeopardizes the entire Democratic slate in 2024, when both houses of the state legislature, the governorship, two battleground congressional seats that could determine control of Congress, and the presidency are at stake.”