TOPLINE: Special Election Candidate Jim Guzofski’s statements paint a picture of an ultraconservative political fanatic bent on taking New Hampshire women and the LGBTQ+ community back to the Stone Age. His antiquated beliefs would inflict hardship on New Hampshire communities he would represent.
OVERVIEW: In extensive video clips of his Religious sermons and posts from a since-deleted social media account, Guzofski has flaunted a pattern of anti-woman, anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-Black statements and opinions.
He has also stated his support for deeply unpopular policy positions favored by vanishingly few Granite Staters, including being against legalizing marijuana, creating barriers to new housing construction, and taking no action on climate change whatsoever.
Perhaps most troublingly, Gusofski expressed support for the violent January 6th insurrection on the Capitol in since-deleted social media posts, support for false claims that the 2020 election was stolen and support for overturning the results of the 2020 election. The Rockingham district 1 special election for Northwood and Nottingham takes place on September 19th.
Anti-Abortion Statements
Guzofski has consistently shared extreme anti-abortion positions in his online sermons, saying “I will not be at peace with unrighteousness. Abortion will never be acceptable,”
Guzofski Said Abortion is a “blood sacrifice to their god Molech” akin to a “shade of witchcraft.
Anti-LGBTQ+ Statements
He has compared gay people to dogs, and stated that “being LGBT” is “against nature” and a “perversion.”
Guzofski has been vocally anti-LGBTQ+, calling homosexuality “wicked,” “unclean,” “perverted,” and “against nature.” He also said he is against trans people marrying.
Guzofski called homosexuals and people who have abortions “malfunctioning spirit beings” and said sex outside of a marriage between a man and a woman is “wicked” and “perverted.”
Guzofski has said of LGBTQ+ people that "deviant sexual behavior will never be acceptable."
Views On Women And Black Americans
Guzofski called Black Lives Matter a “Doctrine Of Demons.”
In a since-deleted social media post, Guzofski attacked the Red Sox after the team unveiled a billboard in support of Black Lives Matter: “Sports used to be my happy place. You just screwed that up. I'm done!”
Guzofski said he believes that women should not dress in an “Ungodly Fashion.”
In a survey, Guzofski said that he Is “For” Banning Teaching Certain Concepts Related To Race.
Guzofski In a since-deleted social media post spread a conspiracy theory which questioned if “it is a coincidence that the [Black Lives Matter] riots started a week before hearings into Obamagate were to start?"
January 6th Insurrection & Election Denial
Guzofski, in a since-deleted social media post, said Vice President Mike Pence “Betrayed the President” by not allowing him to steal the 2020 Election: “Pence first betrayed General Flynn ... Now He has betrayed the president and the constitution”
Guzofski has stated that the prophets said that the 2020 election was illegitimate and that Trump is still president.
Guzofski, In a Since-Deleted Social Media Post, said on January 5th it was “time to put up or shut up”
Guzofski, in a since-deleted social media post repeatedly claimed that the 2020 election was fraudulent, going so far as to share a petition calling for a recount/revote of the 2020 election
Guzofski believes that people are trying to silence the “fact” that prophets said that the 2020 election was illegitimate and that Trump is still president.
Unpopular Policy Positions
In a Citizens Count Survey, Guzofski stated a number of deeply unpopular policy positions out of step with Granite State voters:
Guzofski said He Is “Against The State Encouraging Local Zoning Changes For Housing Development.
Guzofski Said That He Is Against Climate Change Action.
Guzofski said that he is against the Interest and Dividends tax, a tax on New Hampshire’s millionaires.
KEY TAKEAWAYS: These statements and positions by Jim Guzofski assemble together to make paint a picture of a candidate driven by a deep hatred for the many populations that make up our vibrant and diverse Granite State, such as women, the LGBTQ+ community, BIPOC+ people, and more. A Candidate holding such disdain for the democratic process and for so many of those who participate in it is unquestionably and unconditionally unqualified to represent the very people he disparages regularly.