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ICYMI: NHDP Press Call Ahead of Sununu’s NRA Appearance

In case you missed it, this morning NHDP Chair Ray Buckley, Senate Democratic Leader Donna Soucy, and Dartmouth Democrats Executive Director Jayanth Uppaluri gathered for a Zoom press conference ahead of Governor Sununu’s speech at the NRA leadership today.

The NHDP called on the governor to cancel his speech following multiple tragic mass shootings, to which he did not respond. Yesterday, Portsmouth High School was forced to close following a threat of gun violence, one of several recent threats across New Hampshire schools. Governor Sununu has called these threats “the new normal” for the state.

Watch the full press conference here.

NHDP Chair Ray Buckley:

“It is incomprehensible that Sununu would even consider speaking at this NRA event after the multiple horrific instances of gun violence across the country, and the threats against schools here in New Hampshire.

“Instead of using this forum as an opportunity to build his national profile and brag about how he gutted gun safety in New Hampshire, we called on the governor to cancel his appearance at this event. All we heard back from him was crickets.”

Senate Democratic Leader Donna Soucy:

“Even as Democrats in Concord sent common sense gun safety legislation to Governor Sununu’s desk, he has repeatedly blocked our efforts to keep Granite Staters safe.”

“Just this year, tragic mass shootings happened in Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, California, Utah, and more. It could happen in New Hampshire tomorrow. Granite Staters need a governor who will take action to keep them safe before it’s too late, and one that will put their lives above their NRA rating and political ambition.”

Executive Director of Dartmouth Democrats Jayanth Uppulari:

“Instead of taking action to protect his constituents, he’s taking yet another out-of-state trip to pander to extremists and bolster his celebrity status. Meanwhile, students like me live in fear every day that New Hampshire will be next.

“Just yesterday, Sununu referred to mass shootings as the ‘new normal.’ What kind of governor would accept such preventable violence as the new normal? We deserve a governor who will put our lives above his NRA rating.”


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