In case you missed it, Senator Martha Fuller Clark penned an op-ed for Seacoast Online discussing the NH GOP’s recent visitor, former Vice President Mike Pence, who came to the Granite State to help push their extreme anti-choice agenda.
In the wake of the leaked SCOTUS draft decision to overturn the almost half a century of precedent set by Roe, it’s more important than ever that we elect candidates who are going to protect reproductive rights and stand against the NH GOP’s anti-choice agenda.
Key Excerpts:
Former Vice President Mike Pence returned to the Granite State last week, and his visit to the Seacoast was a timely reminder of his long record of extremism and his key role in the Supreme Court’s plans to overturn Roe v. Wade. By bringing Pence here, the New Hampshire GOP has endorsed his far-right, anti-choice agenda, which is far from what Granite Staters want.
The extreme, anti-choice agenda of Mike Pence and Republicans is not only an affront to New Hampshire’s long-standing tradition of letting Granite Staters make their own health care decisions, but it's deeply unpopular with voters as well.
After Gov. Sununu signed the first abortion ban in New Hampshire’s modern history, which included mandatory invasive ultrasounds and made no exceptions for rape, incest, or fatal fetal anomalies, a poll found that more than half of Granite Staters surveyed opposed the ban.
Republicans like Pence have shown they’ll use every tool they can, from the courts to Congress, to try and strip these fundamental rights away and impose cruel new restrictions on women.
That’s why this November, New Hampshire must deliver a strong message by electing and re-electing pro-choice leaders at every level of office, and show Mike Pence and his fellow MAGA Republicans that Granite Staters want nothing to do with their far-right, anti-choice agenda.