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FACT CHECK: Trump’s Economy Failed Granite Staters


Nothing Donald Trump says today can change the fact that his disastrous economy failed working Granite Staters. While President Joe Biden is building the economy from the bottom up and middle out and helping create millions of new jobs for the American people, Trump’s legacy is having the worst job record since the Great Depression.

Here’s a look at just how badly Donald Trump’s economy failed Granite Staters:

  • Trump rigged the economy for the ultra-wealthy instead of working Granite Staters over and over again, earning him the worst jobs record since the Great Depression.

  • Trump failed to support New Hampshire’s manufacturing sector, which had seen years of growth before he took office.

  • Offshoring of American jobs increased under Trump’s watch, despite the fact that he promised to stop offshoring and to bring manufacturing jobs back during his campaign.

Trump’s administration oversaw one of the largest increases in the national debt in American history.

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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