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Sununu Says Paid Family and Medical Leave Bill Was a “Terrible Idea”

Sununu also made another empty promise on paid family leave

Concord, NH – Chris Sununu yesterday blasted a bipartisan bill to make paid family and medical leave a reality for New Hampshire workers. “I did oppose their plan because it was a terrible idea for New Hampshire,” said Sununu.

Sununu also made yet another empty promise to pass paid family medical leave if he’s re-elected. But voters know that he made the same exact promise two years ago while on the campaign trail, enthusiastically endorsing a paid family leave program for all New Hampshire citizens.

NHDP Chairman Ray Buckley issued the following statement:

“Chris Sununu is a hypocrite who says one thing on the campaign trail but does another once in office. Sununu had his chance to get the job done on paid family leave, but instead he did exactly what the Koch Brothers and the insurance industry wanted him to do. It’s no coincidence that both are big supporters of his re-election campaign, making this the latest example of Sununu putting his corporate special interest donors ahead of New Hampshire families. And now, he’s making more empty promises."


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