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Third time is not a charm, Republican-led House AGAIN kills school vouchers, Sununu's top priority


Concord, N.H. - Today, the Republican-led House voted to non-concur and kill HB 1636, the zombie school voucher program that Governor Sununu and the Republican-led Senate snuck into an unrelated bill at the last minute. The program, originally titled SB 193, was rejected twice by the Republican-led House despite it being Sununu's top legislative priority of the session. A Reaching Higher NH study showed that the bill would have stolen $266 million from public schools. The bill was panned as unconstitutional by experts and several editorial boards. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley issued the following statement: "If Governor Sununu is on a mission to prove his failed leadership, he's doing a very good job of it. For the third time in the last two weeks, his own party has rejected his top legislative priority of the session. This time, he tried to sneak his unconstitutional school voucher proposal onto an unrelated bill late at night in the 11th hour of the session. What's clear is that Sununu is looking out for special interests like the Koch Brothers and Waterville Valley-sponsored 'Children's Scholarship Fund' instead of listening to his constituents. Luckily, the New Hampshire House won't stand for his tricks, and instead sent him another message he should've gotten a long time ago."


Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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