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Guns, donors, & discrimination: The Pence-Sununu agenda is hurting New Hampshire & America


Concord, N.H. - Today, Vice President Pence came to New Hampshire to raise money for Governor Chris Sununu, one of just four governors he is publicly campaigning for in 2018. It's no wonder Sununu has earned Pence's support, given his 10 visits to the White House in 13 months and blind support for even the most dangerous and boorish behavior of the Trump administration. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley issued the following statement: "In 10 trips to the White House, Governor Sununu has delivered nothing for New Hampshire and everything for himself. This political fundraiser from the most toxic and corrupt administration in American history is the first reward he has gotten for his blind loyalty. Pence & Sununu share a spotless NRA rating, deep affection for corporate special interests, and history of supporting discriminatory policies. Sununu is showing Granite Staters exactly where his priorities lie, and it's not with New Hampshire." See below for a recap of Pence & Sununu's history on guns, donors & discrimination: Guns PENCE:

  • Vice President Mike Pence has an A-rating from the NRA

  • Pence co-sponsored a concealed carry reciprocity bill that would allow the most lax state concealed carry laws to be applied nationwide

  • As governor, Pence signed a bill that allowed adults to have weapons in school parking lots


Donors PENCE:

  • Vice President Pence championed the Republican Tax Plan that is slated to increase taxes on those earning $75,000 or less in the next decade and spike the deficit by $1.5 trillion

  • The tax plan has resulted in stock buybacks doubling since last year, as analyses are showing only 6% of the savings going to workers while 57% of the savings going to shareholders

  • A POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows that a majority of Americans haven't seen a change in their paycheck as a result of the tax plan with 24% saying they aren't sure


  • Governor Sununu was the #1 Cheerleader for the Republican Tax Plan, calling it "phenomenal" and a "win for Americans"

  • Sununu signed a corporate tax cut of his own, that resulted in $100 million in corporate tax cuts for the wealthiest 3% of New Hampshire corporations, at the expense of key opioid crisis funding

  • 65% of Granite Staters don't believe the Republican Tax Plan will benefit them, per a UNH poll

Discrimination PENCE:


  • Said he was open to signing an anti-LGBTQ law similar to the one Pence signed in Indiana, saying “Look, private businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone they want”

  • Said he had "no personal opinion" on the transgender equality bill that was later killed by his own party in the NH State House in 2017

  • Remained silent as his party killed a conversion therapy ban for minors in 2017


Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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