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NH Republicans reject gun safety legislation amid nationwide walkouts


Concord, N.H. - Today, as students in New Hampshire and across the country walked out of their classes to protest the lack of legislative action on guns, the New Hampshire Senate Education Committee voted on party lines to reject Democratic Senator Martha Hennessey's amendment to SB 357 that would give schools the right to ban guns on their campuses. Following the Parkland shooting, Governor Sununu expressed his supported of letting guns on campus, defended the legality of assault weapons, said New Hampshire's gun laws were fine "as is," and dismissed calls for gun safety legislation as a "gut reaction." Sununu has currently has an "A" rating from the NRA after passing permitless concealed carry as his first legislative priority. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement: "While New Hampshire high schoolers commemorated the one-month anniversary of the Parkland shooting by walking out of schools and demanding action on guns, New Hampshire Republicans either weren't listening or didn't care. It is shameful how utterly corrupted Governor Sununu and his party have become by the NRA. They are choosing to ignore the overwhelming public approval of gun legislation to appease a lobbyist organization who's policies are responsible for countless mass shootings. It is clear the only way to strengthen New Hampshire's gun laws is to kick Sununu and Republican representatives out of office and replace them with legislators who take gun violence seriously."


Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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