The 2021 Virtual NHDP State Convention begins on Saturday, November 13!
General information:
To prioritize the health and safety of Granite Staters, the NHDP Executive Committee voted unanimously to adapt the November 13th State Convention to a virtual meeting.
Watch Convention Speeches:
The NHDP will stream our Virtual 2021 Convention live on our Facebook and Youtube pages on Saturday, November 13th, at 9AM.
2021 NHDP State Convention Program:
​Additional Information for State Convention Delegates
While much of the Convention process and deadlines remain largely the same as in past years, we have outlined some of the changes below.
When is the 2021 NHDP Convention?
The convention will be Saturday, November 13th and will begin virtually at 9AM on zoom and streamed live on our Facebook page. We will hear from both National and New Hampshire speakers, provide party updates, and voting on party business.
Who is a delegate to the 2021 NHDP Convention?
A Delegate is any New Hampshire Democrats who was at least ONE of the following:
A member of the NHDP State Committee
A 2020 Democratic Nominee for office
A local committee officer or delegate elected in a local caucus
What are we voting on at the convention?
In odd-numbered years conventions, Delegates will vote on the Rules for the Convention. and the Proposed Amended NHDP Constitution. Rules Committee Chair Gene Martin has written a short explanation on the proposed amended NHDP Constitution that can be found below on this webpage.
How do I vote?
Delegates to the state convention will have three options for voting. You have the opportunity to fill out a secure online ballot found in the email, return a scanned ballot by email to convention@nhdp.org, or mail in a paper ballot to the NHDP at 105 North State Street, Concord, NH 03301. Details for voting can be found in the call to convention email.
When can I vote?
Delegates can submit their vote starting October 27th at 9:00am for both paper ballots and online ballots. Voting will be open from October 27th at 9:00am to November 10th at 5:00pm to ensure everyone has the opportunity to participate. The ballot will include all the information needed in the submission process.
How will we be able to watch the speakers?
Convention programming will be available to the public on our website. We’ll send a reminder on the week of November 8th to share this content broadly, as we want people across the state to be able to see our candidates, hear our message, and attend our virtual convention.
What should I know about the proposed amended NHDP Constitution?
Rules committee Chair, Gene Martin, has written a letter explaining the proposed amended NHDP constitution that can be found below. Additionally, the dissenting opinion from the Rules committee can also be found below:
Convention Voting Results:
Adoption of the Rules:
Support - 592
Oppose - 124
Adoption of the Proposed Amendments to the NHDP Constitution:
Support - 567
Oppose - 150
Questions? Email convention@nhdp.org, or call us at 603-225-6899.​​